June was Bike Month in Colorado. And, As we announced in late May, we held a Bike Stories Challenge where we asked people to submit their best bike themed story (fiction or non-fiction), in 500 words or less. The winner would be featured here on our website, as well as receive a Bike Fort Collins T-shirt.

We are pleased to announce Julian Alderman-Marx as our winner of the Bike Stories challenge for Bike Month 2020. Jillian is a 13 year old boy with Autism who worked with the help of his communication partner to spell out each word using a letter board. His story is one of perseverance through adversity; Coming back after setbacks to finally achieve success. Congratulations Jillian and thank you for all your hard work!

Julian’s Win

By: Jullian Alderman-Marx

One Monday, Julian won a prize, the prize was a brand new white bicycle. He was so excited that one day, Julian rode his bike inside of a Trader Joe’s supermarket. Next, the owner of the store got another bicycle to race Julian with! The other employees forgot about the other shoppers because they could not believe what was happening. In addition, everybody Julian knew came to cheer him on.

Julian had practiced for every race he was involved in except for this one, but he still felt prepared. Surprisingly, the owner was very fast, and he won the race. Afterwards, Julian felt like a loser but everyone was still there to support him. They promised to always have fun together. After more practice, Julian came back to the supermarket for a rematch, and he won! In the end, Julian was super proud of himself.