Wish for Wheels FoCo is a customized Bike/Build/Give Event and joint effort between Bike Fort Collins and Denver-based, Wish For Wheels to bring a FREE bike and helmet to every 2nd-grader in Poudre School District’s Title 1 elementary schools.
Bike Fort Collins is excited to be aligned with Wish for Wheels and their unique model that bundles corporate philanthropy, team building, and employee engagement through bike build/assembly events, to deliver brand new bikes to kids in the community.
Like Bike Fort Collins, Wish for Wheels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Denver-based, it gives brand new bikes and helmets to kids in low income communities. Founded in 2004, their first giveaway made it clear that the bikes bring health and happiness into kids’ lives.
Their mission of (through the gift of a new bike and helmet) “transforming the lives of 2nd graders from low-income communities, broadening their scope for personal growth and a healthy lifestyle,” is very synergistic with the work Bike Fort Collins already does with Poudre School District through the Safe Routes to School instruction we provide.
300 bike GOAL
We are looking to fund bikes for the following Poudre School District Title 1 elementary schools (listed below). 2nd-graders in these schools represent approx. 300 students.
- Bauder Elementary School
- Harris Elementary School
- Irish Elementary School
- Laurel Elementary School
- Putnam Elementary School
We were able to fund 257 bikes and helmets in our inaugural year, over 350 in 2021 and another 290 last year. Each of the last two years, we’ve able to provide a bike and helmet to every student that needed one–and we hope to be able to hit our 300 goal again in 2023.
Customized Bike/Build/Give Event – No matter your organization’s size, or your own individual ability to give, you can make a difference!


#1 – Fund
$175 per bike/helmet. For organization participation, we are seeking a minimum commitment of 10 bikes. 25+ bikes funds an entire class in a school.
Individuals can donate any amount, but a minimum commitment of 1 bike is suggested.
#2 – Build
There is an option to help Assemble/Build your funded bikes Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
#3 – Give
We will Give/Distribue the bikes to the students at the schools on the same day we Assemble/Build them (October 18th).
support today!
We invite you to participate and support today. If your business or organization is interested in supporting 10 bikes, a class, or even an entire school, please contact Timothy Wooten at tim.wooten@bikefortcollins.org or Brad Appel at brad@wishforwheels.org.
Click here for a printable brochure that you can share internally, or with others you believe may be interested.
Otherwise, support the 2023 program individually by clicking on the button below to make a donation to the bike fund.
Once you’ve donated and funded a bike, we invite you to show-n-share your “Bike Funder” pride on social media with these images and suggested copy (but feel free to edit as you wish):
Click here for a Proud Bike Funder Facebook Image
Click here for a Proud Bike Funder Instagram Image
“Proud to share that I funded a bike for a PSD 2nd grader who doesn’t have one. Now more than ever kids need an exercise outlet. Plus this program has shown these bikes help past recipients improve attention spans, grades and reduce truancy. You can fund one too. www.bikefortcollins.org/w4w” (Use as link in bio for Instagram)
kids feel the love!
Now more than ever, more bike time equals.
- More connection to outdoors and other kids: Before COVID-19, school was a resource for many students for connectivity, peers and support
- Less screen time: Since COVID-19, screen time is up 60% to 11.2 hours daily
- More routine and exercise: Only 1 in 5 kids currently meets the daily recommended amount
- Enhanced development: Lack of play has severely impacted kids psychosocial development during the pandemic
- Greater sense of adventure and independence
- And, the bike size typically lasts a student 3-years

what do we do for
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