Despite the chilly temperatures, BFC estimates a couple hundred of the estimated 2,000+ total BTWD participants came through our Winter Bike to Work/Wherever Day (BTWD) station on Oak Street Plaza on February 10th between 7 and 9:30 a.m. The 2,000+ participants represented a nearly a 20% year-over-year increase from 2022’s winter event, as they visited over 50 stations represented by over 100 companies or organizations. BFC was proud to co-host our station with breakfast burritos from the Rio Grande Restaurant, the Greater Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce, and Fort Collins Utilities.
As we do every BTWD, we were happy to chat bicycling, and bicycle safety with those who stopped by our tent and table. We took many through our Legal or Not Quiz and were even able to add nearly 100 signatures to our list of those who support Our Vision to be the Amsterdam of the U.S. when it comes to cycling.
New for this BTWD, our hats are off to FC Moves for hosting an inaugural Closing Ceremony in Old Town Square. It was a festive environment, celebrating bicycling with some live music from local favorite, Crispy Watkins (see video of him singing “Rock the Cradle (Ride the Bicycle)”), that also included an address from Mayor Arndt, recognition of the City’s four Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Businesses (New Belgium Brewing, Velofix Mobile Bike Shop, the Fort Collins Bike Co-op, and the City of Fort Collins), and a drawing where a lucky winner won a brand-new, New Belgium cruiser.
As we’ve done each BTWD for the past 10 years, BFC also hosted a Bike From Work Bash at O’Dell Brewing from 3-6 p.m. Even more showed up for a FREE beer and a chance to win over two-dozen door prizes from generous donors such as, Trek North, Topo Designs, Recycled Cycles, and O’Dells. We’re so appreciative O’Dell’s continued support in hosting the event, as we raised nearly $500 that afternoon/evening in support of our mission and programs.
We’re especially grateful to the following volunteers who helped us staff our station at BTWD, as well as help us run the Bike From Work Bash at O’Dell’s: Elizabeth Cairnes, Daniel Webb, Rich Inman, Gray Harrison, Bruce Henderson, Robert Warren, Ann Temple, Kathy Fahy, Sam Altman, and Andrea Schuhmann.
bike to work day

Watch Crispy Watkins sing “Rock the Cradle (Ride the Bicycle)” at the Closing Ceremony.
bike from work bash