Our pals at Pour Brothers Community Tavern have a great program they call “Community Night”. Heres the deal: on select Wednesday nights, they turn the place over to a deserving local non-profit and invite em to bring a “celebrity bartender” to sling drinks for a few hours.
The cool part? The non-profit gets all the tips while the celeb is pouring. Told you it was cool.
So as you can imagine, Bike Fort Collins is pretty psyched to be included in the Community Night project, and we’re hoping to see all of our friends and supporters at Pour Brothers from 6-8 on December 16th.
Our celebrity guests? None other than Olympic and World Championship medal winning mountain and ‘cross BOSS Georgia Gould, and Windmere Realestate honcho, USAPC Chair and bike nut Eric Thompson.
YourGroupRide.com kingpin Dan Porter and Bike Fort Collins’ ruthless new overlord Chris J. Johnson are hosting the festivities, so count on hijinx.