Despite the chilly temperatures, the BFC Winter BTWD station saw an impressive turnout, with around 500 dedicated cyclists making their way through Oak Street Plaza between 7 and 9:30 a.m. The collective spirit of these riders contributed to a grand total of 2100 cyclists participating in the winter event, showcasing the vibrant cycling culture here in Fort Collins. BFC was proud to co-host our station with breakfast burritos from the Rio Grande Restaurant, City of Fort Collins Utilities, Health District of Northern Larimer County, Signarama, City of Fort Collins Utilities Solar, City of Fort Collins Environmental Services.
As we do every BTWD, we were happy to chat bicycling, and bicycle safety with those who stopped by our tent and table. We took many through our Legal or Not Quiz and were even able to add nearly 100 signatures to our list of those who support Our Vision to be the Amsterdam of the U.S. when it comes to cycling.
A special shout-out goes to the 100+ local businesses and organizations that generously served as station hosts, offering free breakfast and delightful treats to our participants. Your support not only fueled our riders but also showcased the incredible community spirit that makes Fort Collins so special.
Our five participating schools also played a pivotal role in the success of the day, with an inspiring 560 students and teachers opting to walk or bike to school. This not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also instills the importance of sustainable transportation choices from a young age. Kudos to these schools for fostering a culture of active living!
After a few words from Councilmember Emily Francis, music by Crispy Watkins, congratulations went out to the 9 Gold Bicycle Friendly Businesses, recognized during the Closing Ceremonies. Their commitment to promoting cycling in our community is commendable, and we celebrate your achievements as trailblazers in creating a more bike-friendly Fort Collins.
As we’ve done each BTWD for the past 11 years, BFC also hosted a Bike From Work Bash at O’Dell Brewing from 4-7 p.m. Even more showed up for a FREE beer/wine and a chance to win some door prizes from generous donors; Trek Fort Collins, NoCo InCycle, Topo Designs, Recycled Cycles and Fitness, and O’Dells Brewing. BFC was also proud to co-host the event with Overland Mountain Bike Association and Fort Collins Connexion. We’re so appreciative O’Dell’s continued support in hosting the event, as we raised nearly $300 that afternoon/evening in support of our mission and programs.
We’re especially grateful to the following volunteers who helped us staff our station at BTWD, as well as help us run the Bike From Work Bash at O’Dell’s: Ann Temple, Kathy Fahy, Bruce Henderson, Lynn Johnson, and Jean Macheledt.
bike to work day