by bikefc | Dec 30, 2019 | Bike to Work, Events, Support BFC
With temperatures hovering in the mid to high teens, it was a chilly start to Winter Bike to Work Day 2019 (the coldest since 2016). Nevertheless, roughly 1,700 bike commuters (unofficial count) visited the 42 breakfast stations represented by over 100 local...
by bikefc | Jun 24, 2019 | Bike Library-Bike Share, Bike to Work, Events, Programs
Did you know there are 42 Pace Bike Share stations in Fort Collins? If you commute into Fort Collins for work or just want to try Pace (plus load up the front basket with free breakfast), we’ve put together a few stations to check out a bike, and where the...
by bikefc | Jan 12, 2016 | Bike to Work, Events, More Bikes
[su_row][su_column size=”2/3″] This year brought the first winter since I moved to Colorado 11 years ago that I’ve lived and worked in the same town. This change of routine brought down a daily bike commute that varied over the years from 12 to 16 miles...
by bikefc | Dec 2, 2015 | Bike Library-Bike Share, Bike to Work, Events
Ride your bike to Odell on Wednesday, December 9th to celebrate winter bike commuting! Reward yourself for layering up and braving the cold, snowy weather to get where you need to go on your bike with a free pint of Odell’s finest! From 4:00-6:00...