In our July issue of The Pedal Post (eNewsletter), Bike Fort Collins posed the question: “Have you experienced conflict, or right-of-way confusion at the intersection of Overland Trail and the Poudre Trail?”
Thank you to those who responded. Below is a recap of the results.
In addition, for those who reported conflict, we asked them to describe their experience. Here is a sampling of the responses we received:
- “Riders entering bike path from east side of bridge and not paying attention to oncoming riders on path.”
- “Cars going by too close at a fast speed plus debris in the bike lane.“
- “Folks traveling in the wrong ‘lane’ for the direction they were going. And the path to/from Overland to the Poudre Trail is somewhat steep, curvy – it’s difficult to navigate.“
- “Taking the sharp turn off of Overland trail and then not having visibility because of vegetation to see if another cyclist/pedestrian is coming“
- “The turn onto the Poudre river trail on the east side is steep, I usualy cross over to the west side, however then there is an unnecessary & potential hazardous crossing of Overland when you are heading north.“
- “Heading southbound on overland trail while taking a left onto the trail you need to merge into traffic. Traffic behind you needs to yield but this often creates an unsafe situation, especially if there is traffic coming northbound as well.“
Finally, we asked respondents how they thought the intersection/facility could be improved. Here is a sampling of the responses we received:
- “Wider and painted shoulders on overland at ramps”
- “Wider on ramp with better sight lines. Pedestrian warning lights at top- especially when flooded below.“
- “Better snow removal on the ramps in winter“
- “Better sight, the east ramp to and from is hard to see due to the sharp turn at the bottom“
- “widen path at entrance/exit locations.“
- ” Longer merge options“
Again, thank you to all who responded—and for sharing their experiences. Stay tuned for additional surveys inquiring about other intersections and bicycle facilities.
You completely ignored my comment, which has to do with riders not using a bell to warn others at the blind curve and the blind intersection.
Also, your question and most responses assume that riders will leave the trail to cross Overland Trail at the top; of the bridge. But riders generally stay on the trail and ride under the bridge So most responses don’t apply to the actual situation.