In our January issue of The Pedal Post (eNewsletter), Bike Fort Collins posed the question: “Have you experienced conflict or felt unsafe while traveling through the intersection of East Harmony Road and Ziegler Road?”

Thank you to those who responded. Below is a recap of the results.


In addition, for those who reported conflict, we asked them to describe their experience. Here is a sampling of the responses we received:

  • I avoid this intersection when possible due to the volume of traffic. I used Rock Creek and Lady Moon during commutes to Broadcom.
  • Going south on Ziegler, car moves across bike lanes to turn right.
  • Horrible traffic and very cramped bike access. No bike friendly way to cross safely.
  • Just the high volume of traffic and being in the bike lane while cars are alternating between going straight and turning makes it feel hectic and unsafe.
  • Biggest risk is heading west on Harmony. Cars enter right turn lane at high speed . Other directions of travel are not high risk.
  • Too much traffic and the opposing turn lanes on Ziegler are too close together.
  • I would never in a million years bike through this intersection. I even avoid driving around there because I don’t feel safe. Cars are either going very fast with lots of lane changing, or it’s backed up and once there’s an opening the cars zoom across bike lines without looking into the turn lanes (which function more like entrance/exit ramps).


Finally, we asked respondents how they thought the intersection/facility could be improved. Here is a sampling of the responses we received:

  • Clarity for bikes/drivers on how bikes can/should make turns here.”
  • Somewhere on East Harmony a bike/pedestrian overpass could help folks cross with less worry.
  • Wider bike lanes with green lanes and even a barrier of some sort.
  • Reduced speed limit from Lady Moon to Ziegler. Configure the bike lane and turn lane more like Harmony/Timberline westbound. Move bike lane to edge of road, provide deceleration lane for vehicles, then force a tighter turn as the bike and vehicle lanes cross each other. Aim to slow down vehicles BEFORE they interact with bikes.
  • Rip it all up and start over. Short of that, there should be a safe, protected bike route that’s separated by more than a painted line from the traffic. In general, it should be slowed way down anyway, even for car safety! But it’s a straight, wide, highway near the interstate so that seems incredibly unlikely even if the speed limit were technically reduced.
  • Making bike lanes more prominent and visible.

Again, thank you to all who responded—and for sharing their experiences. Stay tuned for additional surveys inquiring about other intersections and bicycle facilities.