In our October issue of The Pedal Post (eNewsletter), Bike Fort Collins posed the question: “Have you experienced conflict or felt unsafe while traveling through the intersection of West Mountain Avenue and South Mason Street?”

Thank you to those who responded. Below is a recap of the results.


In addition, for those who reported conflict, we asked them to describe their experience. Here is a sampling of the responses we received:

  • Wide intersection plus train track—not certain that drivers see me.
  • Turning left from Mountain onto Mason is a double whammy – you have motorists that aren’t expecting you, and you have to be careful as you cross the tracks so you don’t get a tire caught.
  • Car turned in front.
  • One word: TRAINS.”
  • Turning left from Mason going north onto Mountain going west is hindered by the RR tracks.”
  • I just said yes so I could answer #3.”


Finally, we asked respondents how they thought the intersection/facility could be improved. Here is a sampling of the responses we received:

  • Literally just slower speed zone, 18 mph is safer speed and catches drivers attention when they see the speed limit sign.
  • No left turn onto Mountain when heading north on Mason.
  • For less fearless folks, there should be paint/directions that encourage a Copenhagen left turn.
  • Wider bike lane.”
  • “Can’t be done. Too Late. FC city gov’t gets an F- on this.”
  • “Blinking pedestrian lights on street.”
  • “I suggest that the “Mason” trail be moved west starting at Prospect and continue on north through the CSU campus and on to Vine so it is more safe.”
  • “I’m quite surprised how well the sharrows work on Mountain and how they warn drivers that they can expect to see bikes even doing left turns. It would improve the entire area if the sharrows were painted as needed, they get very faint between paintings. And more of them would be good. I like the sharrows with the black bacground – they are much more visible than the standard white paint on light concrete.”

Again, thank you to all who responded—and for sharing their experiences. Stay tuned for additional surveys inquiring about other intersections and bicycle facilities.