Our work continues as the community engagement lead and partner for our city’s Asphalt Art Grant from NACTO (National Association of City Transportation Officials) and its Paint Pot program that we reported on in July. Bike Fort Collins is pleased to announce the first three neighborhoods receiving Paint Pot funding. Selected neighborhoods include Andersonville, Hickory Village, and Hanna Farm/Putnam Elementary. These areas were selected based on several criteria using the City’s/County’s Multimodal Index (MMI) and census data with a special focus on underserved commuities. To date, we have held three community engagement events in both Andersonville and Hickory Village communities, with similar events soon to be held in the Hanna Farm neighborhood in the coming week.
Community engagement events are a time for folks to get together and discuss some of the emerging issues in their community, with special attention on bicycle and pedestrian safety. We are particularly excited about his week’s events at Hickory Village as we bring a fun children’s art activity to the neighborhood and present some of the first mock-ups of their mural from local artist, Luis Santacruz.
Community engagement events will continue in all three neighborhoods as we strive to engage with community members throughout the asphalt art process, building capacity and improving social capital along the way. These outcomes are equally as important as the paint we ultimately put on the pavement. Mural applications are soon to be submitted with painting slated to begin in October. More updates to follow!