by bikefc | Mar 24, 2023 | More Bikes, Programs, Safe Routes to School, Safe Streets
After what seems like an especially long, cold winter and with spring finally beginning to show itself, it is also a sign for when our Safe Routes to School programming shifts into high gear. Excitedly, we have already conducted some sessions and have a number of...
by bikefc | Feb 15, 2023 | Bicycle Friendly Business, Bike to Work, Events, More Bikes, Support BFC
Despite the chilly temperatures, BFC estimates a couple hundred of the estimated 2,000+ total BTWD participants came through our Winter Bike to Work/Wherever Day (BTWD) station on Oak Street Plaza on February 10th between 7 and 9:30 a.m. The 2,000+ participants...
by bikefc | Feb 9, 2023 | Annual Reports, Support BFC
The mission/purpose of the Friends of the Fort Collins Bicycle Program, Inc., d.b.a. Bike Fort Collins is to increase participation in active transportation and advance bicycle culture and policy changes, creating safer streets and communities, while also creating an...
by bikefc | Jan 20, 2023 | Bicycle Advocacy, More Bikes, Programs, Safe Streets
BFC is excited at the invitation to be part of the Phase 3 Implementation Planning Team that has convened as part of Larimer County’s Climate Smart and Future Ready Approach and Planning Process to address climate change through mitigation and adaptation strategies...
by bikefc | Jan 19, 2023 | Bicycle Advocacy, More Bikes, Programs
Back in 2020 BFC got behind our peer organization, Overland Mountain Bike Association’s (OMBA), efforts and vision to bring a Bike Park to Fort Collins. Today anyone within Fort Collins wishing to experience a Bike Park must travel outside the area to do so, like...