As we did in late 2020, BFC was appreciative of the opportunity to present infrastructure/intersection improvement opportunities to the City’s Bicycle Advisory Committee and Transportation Board on February 17th. However, unlike our presentations last fall, where we made a separate presentation to each group in October and November respectively, this time we were invited to present to both groups during a joint meeting.

Two of the three featured intersections in the February presentation are those that we’ve also included in our monthly Intersection-Facility Focus surveys in The Pedal Post eNewsletter:

  • Magnolia Street/Canyon Avenue/Sherwood Street
  • East Elizabeth Street & College Avenue
  • Linden Street & the Poudre Trail Crossing

And, as we did with our first presentation, we incorporated the results from those surveys into the presentation. Here are the problem(s)/issue(s) we highlighted for the group at each intersection:

Magnolia Street/Canyon Avenue/Sherwood Street (See Survey Results) – Showcasing the potential for confusion relative to stop sign adherence by all road users, the expansiveness the intersection causing confusion over right-of-way, and the unsafe nature of the bicycle facility east of the intersection on Magnolia and/or Canyon.

Traveling Southbound 

Traveling Westbound

Traveling Eastbound 

East Elizabeth Street & College Avenue – Showcasing the cumbersome crossing for bicyclists traveling from campus to the EB Elizabeth bike lane and how it currently requires a ”Dutch” crossing, otherwise inciting cutting across the intersection on a diagonal, or crossing College Ave at crosswalk and then riding contraflow on the sidewalk and then merging across the entire street mid-block.

Eastbound Via Sidewalk

Eastbound Via Diagonal

Westbound via Bike Lane

Linden Street & the Poudre Trail Crossing (See Survey Results) – Showcasing how, despite the signage that exists, it’s not clear to bicyclists travel in either direction on the Poudre trail where the trail actually goes when it gets to Linden. Additionally, vehicular traffic can tend to exceed the speed limit through this stretch making it hard for trail users to cross.

Crossing Linden

The information in the presentation was, once again, well received by both groups. Each group shared their experiences and comments following each intersection and several potential solutions were discussed for each. BFC captured comments and will follow up with the city on next steps and/or any progress toward a solution (both shorter and longer term).

We’ll be sure to keep you posted on any improvements or measures that are taken at any of these intersections as a result of presentations like these and/or our continued efforts to generate awareness for the problems/issues at intersections and other facilities, as well as any future presentations we make.

In the meantime, please continue to let us know when (and where) you have unsafe experiences on your bike (or even walking) as a function of the way the road/street is designed, striped, configured, etc. Either submit a comment below or email us at