by Tim Wooten | Jul 19, 2023 | Bike Month, Community Rides, Events, More Bikes
Once again, Bike Prom brought together Fort Collin’s diverse crowd of bike-loving folks in the name of bikes, bikes, and more bikes, with a dance party on top. Bike Fort Collins partnered with the Foco Bike Mob to deliver a loud and proud Bike Prom on July 15th,...
by Tim Wooten | Jul 5, 2023 | Bike Month, Bike to Work, Community Rides, Events, More Bikes
, and Sometimes referred to as “Fort Collins’ best holiday,” the 35th annual Summer Bike to Work Day had over 5,400 participants biking, walking, or using other forms of active transportation to over 150 stations. Once again Bike Fort Collins had our...
by bikefc | Jun 20, 2023 | Events, More Bikes, Press Releases, Safe Streets, Support BFC
June 20, 2022 — FORT COLLINS, CO – Bike Prom, the annual bike-themed event celebrating all things “bikes” with live music, dancing and more will be held Saturday, July 15th at the Lyric Cinema beginning at 8:00 p.m. This year Bike Fort Collins is excited to...
by bikefc | May 31, 2023 | More Bikes, Programs, Safe Routes to School, Safe Streets
As we reported back in March, after what seemed like an especially long, cold winter we were excited to have our Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program back in high gear serving the students of PSD (per our school rotation schedule) with a full menu of bicycle...
by Tim Wooten | May 30, 2023 | Bicycle Advocacy, Intersection/Facility Focus, More Bikes, Programs, Safe Streets
In our April issue of The Pedal Post (eNewsletter), Bike Fort Collins posed the question: “Have you experienced conflict or felt unsafe while traveling through the intersection of South Shields Street and West Laurel Street?” Thank you to those who responded. Below is...
by bikefc | May 26, 2023 | More Bikes, Programs, Safe Routes to School, Safe Streets
While the video below is from Vancouver, British Columbia, “The Why” that it outlines and the supporting data it shares for why kids stopped walking or riding to school resonates and feels very plausible for us–and are some of the exact data points...